Chip-tuners often promise about 30% of extra power. From where do they get such a value?
Let us take RS-chiptuning unit for example. The manufacturer offers extra torque up to 26% and power growth up to 31%. Where did he get those values?
Additional chip uses the reliability motor resources, which were provided by engineers on the stage of its construction. Usually, the level of power and torque increase, which can be achieved without doing harm for the device, lies in range between 20 and 30% beyond standard maximum values. But not more. That is why, all certificated by the manufacturers chip-tuning boxes work only in these limits.
Let’s take VAG 1.8 T engine for example. There are three types of it: the first can offer maximum 150hp, the second — 180hp and the third — 225hp. It is very hard to resist to the temptation of improving the first version up to the second changing the turbine working regimes. This manipulation makes no damage to the steel heart of the car, because in fact these engine versions differ only in the ECU mapping protocols. Nevertheless, this trick would not work, if we tried to upgrade the second version up to the third. Manufactures supplied the most powerful 225hp model with lager turbine, two intercoolers and another type of pistons with forced oil cooling. In a case of “The best engine of the 2013 year” – Ford 1.0 EcoBoost the situation is quite similar: the only distinction between 100hp and 125hp versions is different turbine part numbers. On the other hand, the N20 engine, which is installed recent BMW cars available in two modifications with 184hp (320i) and 245hp (328i) power output. Each of these versions has two-liter volume, four cylinders and a turbine, but the most powerful one is equipped with stronger pistons and has higher compression ratio (11:1 against 10:1 in a case of 320i).
Responsible chip-tuners offer power increase up to 31%, and this is the limit, provided by common sense and rational way of thinking in this field of car improvement. We want to repeat it once more: exactly up to 20-30% is the maximum additional load, which engine can bear without need of mechanical revision. By the way, this range is also an indicator of manufacturer’s fair dealing. When somebody promises the moon in the aspect of power growth only due to chip-tuning, it is only the matter of advertisement. Power characteristics improvement beyond 30% implies intervention to the engine construction.
By the way, RS-chiptuning modules support manual regulation of power raise to meet consumer demands. For better engine safety unit, which is designed to provide power growth up to 31%, also has an option of increasing this parameter up to 25-28%.